Intrepid LPs are invited to join us for "The Derby Mill Series: Intrepid Pioneers of the Next Economy" live video workshop sessions.

The last time we fully redesigned our means of production the impact on economic growth was dramatic. For nearly 3,000 years, economic growth averaged about 0.01% per year. Then, around 1750, we redesigned our means of production and growth increased by about 150X to around 1.5% per year. Historians later named that redesign process the Industrial Revolution. The first modern factory - powered, continuous production - of the Industrial Revolution was the Derby Silk Mill (left).

Intrepid Senior Advisors Rich Sutton (pioneer of reinforcement learning) and Sendhil Mullainathan (MacArthur Genius recipient) join Intrepid co-founder Ajay Agrawal to explore the possibility frontier with guest founders and practitioners that are currently implementing AI-based solutions and pushing out the productivity frontier.